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"I must be idle."




Welcome to my blog!

If you like my stuff, read, comment, subscribe to the blog. You'll find blog posts on a variety of subjects, but since I'm an author it's perhaps not too surprising that there's a fair number of posts about writing, books, and authors. No book reviews, though: they're on my Patreon, along with other bookish posts and more behind-the-scenes posts about my books and characters, as well as large amounts of fiction every month. 

Halloween Stories and Other News

Writer's picture: Ainy RainwaterAiny Rainwater

I have a new story up on Patreon for Halloween for my wonderful subscribers. This has been a busy month for me resulting in lots of goodies for patrons: Chapter 7 of the sci-fi novel in progress, two book review posts, a character sketch, and two short stories. Although the new story, "Project Stapleton" is a Patreon exclusive for subscribers, the other story, "Dead Text" was previously published on Wattpad and is now a public post on Patreon.

I only just realized that I hadn't blogged since my Thankful to Still Be Alive post.That was bad of me. The reason isn't due to anything catastrophic: it's because I'm fully recovered and I'm busy writing! I've written a ton of stuff for Patreon subscribers. Last month, in addition to the full chapter of the work in progress, I also wrote two book reviews, a story idea sketch, and another behind-the-scenes essay on the problems posed by the future branch of Buddhism I've invented for the SF books I'm writing now (If Wishes Were Spaceships, my last novel, and the book I'm doing revisions on now, which is being posted chapter by chapter on Patreon for subscribers).

By the way...if you have a Patreon acct and aren't sure about subscribing you can follow me. You can get notified when I do public posts, and that also makes it easy to pop in and see what I'm posting for subscribers (at least the post titles).

I also post updates on what I'm writing for Patreon on this website's homepage, right at the top, under the Announcements banner.

You may have noticed a mention of a forum on the homepage announcements. At the moment my writing group is trying out a private forum. Depending on what the verdict is after we've played with it a while, it may eventually be opened to Patreon subscribers and friends. It's a private invitation-only forum and will remain so (assuming it works fine and that I keep it). I have fond memories of participating in forums, and even made some true friends. After my fav forum closed down, I ran one of my own on my music site. It was not private or hidden, so it eventually became impossible to police activity by spammers, hackers, and trolls. I spent considerable time constantly cleaning up the boards, banning, and moderating as legitimate members fled. That's why I'm starting this board small, private, and hidden, with just my writing group. If it's opened up to others at all, it will be slowly, cautiously, and will remain private, hidden, invitation-only, with my approval required for each new member. I know some of you will think I'm a control freak. 🤣 But until you've single-handedly admined and moderated a public forum, don't judge.😁

I'm truly sorry that all my fans can't participate, but the really good forums were the result of a team of moderators and admins continually monitoring them. I'm just one person; I have books to write, stories to tell, and IRL adventures to have. Even with all the management tools available, admin/moderator of a public forum is a 24/7 job. The only way for this forum to be fun for both me and others is to limit access.

You can, as always, hang out with me on social networks, or Patreon, or drop a comment on the blog.


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