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"I must be idle."




Welcome to my blog!

If you like my stuff, read, comment, subscribe to the blog. You'll find blog posts on a variety of subjects, but since I'm an author it's perhaps not too surprising that there's a fair number of posts about writing, books, and authors. No book reviews, though: they're on my Patreon, along with other bookish posts and more behind-the-scenes posts about my books and characters, as well as large amounts of fiction every month. 

Lots of Big New Things are Coming!

Writer's picture: Ainy RainwaterAiny Rainwater

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

Change is in the air! This month I’ll be filling out my Patreon page as a creator, not just a subscriber. It’s under review. It’ll go live after the review and after I set up posts in all the tiers, as well as public posts. Right now all my tiers are low, so anyone can afford the fiction. (I’d rather have a lot of people paying little for my fiction than only a few people paying a lot.) My first goal is modest, too, and affects those of you reading this; it will fund a major overhaul of this website, A Truant Disposition. Redesign, more features, and be less trouble and time-consuming for me to maintain. Patreon, website, and tons of fiction, too! Stay tuned for more details!


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