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"I must be idle."





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National Poetry Month: A beginning at the end

Writer's picture: Ainy RainwaterAiny Rainwater

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

For National Poetry Month I was thinking about posting one of my old poems (normal length, not tweets). I procrastinated, busy with other projects, and now with just a few days left I sifted through poems, undecided, changing my mind until at the very end I found the beginning: the first poem I sold. It was published in the now-defunct literary magazine Cedar Rock in 1980 (I think). I was paid the princely sum of $2.


You sat in a straight-backed chair In a sleepless dream, Leaning slightly into the light From the window, Filling out a space, Taking in air— A solemn pine tree— Not even aware I was with you.

I knew You were standing With limbs outstretched, Needles whipstitching the clouds to the sky, In a cool forgotten forest somewhere, An incessantly babbling brook nearby.

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