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"I must be idle."




Welcome to my blog!

If you like my stuff, read, comment, subscribe to the blog. You'll find blog posts on a variety of subjects, but since I'm an author it's perhaps not too surprising that there's a fair number of posts about writing, books, and authors. No book reviews, though: they're on my Patreon, along with other bookish posts and more behind-the-scenes posts about my books and characters, as well as large amounts of fiction every month. 

Patron Appreciation Day: #ThankYouPatrons

Writer's picture: Ainy RainwaterAiny Rainwater

I'm very thankful to my readers who support my Patreon. Today is the beginning of something special on my Patreon---serialized seasonal audio fiction.

This is a big Thank You for my subscribers. I'm writing tons of fiction just for them. It's very gratifying to have an audience--to know that one has an audience, not just when a new book comes out, but that people are reading all the time. Because I'm writing all the time.

I've been working on a new project. I thought it might be a short story, but looks like now it will be a novella or novellette. Today, as a special thank you to all the people who read my fiction and support me as I work, I've posted audio of me reading the beginning of the story for my Patreon subscribers. I'll continue to post parts for patrons through the end of the year (or the end of the story), in addition to the usual rewards for subscribers. Because I really am thankful for the people who subscribe to my fiction and are reading it every month. I'm writing for them. Right now all my fiction is exclusively for Patreon subscribers. When the next book comes out, it will be in a large part because of the support of those subscribers. Being an author is predicated on having readers. My patrons make it so much easier to be an indie author, and Patreon makes it so much easier and faster for me to get my fiction to my readers. Thank you to all my subscribers for being there with me on Patreon! You make it all possible and you make being an author even more wonderful.

For several years now I've toyed with the idea of writing a Christmas story, something secular, highlighting people being their best selves at this time of the year. I've always loved Christmastime. Initially, like most kids, it was because of presents. My favorite presents are always books, so this Christmas story is about sharing books. As an adult my favorite thing about this time of the year is that (most) people are just a bit kinder, a bit nicer, a bit more likely to think of others, and I fervently wish the world were like this all year round.

This serialized audio story I'm writing and recording for my subscribers is a bit more mainstream than what I usually write. It's not science fiction or fantasy, but I can't promise that there won't be a bit of magic in it!

There's something personal about reading to someone, so when I considered how to reach out to my subscribers for Patron Appreciation Day, I decided I'd read to them. And I'll keep reading to them (and you if you subscribe!) until the story is finished. It's a rough first draft, so there may be mistakes and inconsistencies which will be fixed in the final draft. I'm a discovery writer, which means that part of the way the story plays out I discover as I write it. I know what happens in a general way when I start writing, but what you'll get in this audio story is pretty much the way the story rolls out of my head as I create it word by word. Storytelling!

So, if you haven't already, join me as I read you a story, bit by bit, starting today, as a heartfelt thank you to my readers supporting me on Patreon. (If you're reading this post later, here's the link to part 1 of the story.)


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